Friday, December 13, 2013

Revised Poem due 12/13/2012


A Second Family

We all show up together, to the cool, loud and
compact studio rink, for a harmless game.
We chirp each other, with no hard feelings.
Our heartless jokes are our form of heartfull compliments.
We all cram in the small, smelly locker room together,
When a parent brings us all refreshing Gatorades and energizing
Sandwiches. We sit there for hours, we let the game we all
commonly love bring us together, and spend

 the wonderful thanksgiving together.


A Second Family

We all show up together, to the cool, loud, and
Compact studio rink, and lace up for a harmless game.
Our heartless chirps are hurtful compliments
With no hard feelings.
We all get together and just play.

We all cram in the small, smelly locker room together,
Tired and exhausted, but we still stay there together for hours.
The game we commonly love bring us all together, and we have
A wonderful Thanksgiving together.

1 comment:

  1. Jack- You capture a strong moment here- and I love the line, "heartless chirps are hurtful compliments". It captures male banter well. Now- I didn't get a reflection journal from you Wednesday, however. Right?
